Sneaking In

I’m taking a break here from looking at our past to say that we just celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary! We thank God for His grace and mercy upon us! Just like a large wagon wheel, having Jesus as the hub of our lives, His guidance, love, discipline, humor, patience, like spokes, has kept us together. The Holy Spirit has kept this wheel true in spite of difficulty, stress, responsibilities, and the bumps on the road. Hitch your wagon to Him for an unforgettable ride and blessed marriage.

Lord, before your presence is everyone who reads this blog. May you strengthen each married couple walking and working through this mystery of marriage as you have helped us. Guide those not yet married as they wait upon you and serve in the calling you’ve placed upon their lives. Thank you for establishing our marriage and giving us deep roots for added strength and stability. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!