
There was this one time when my wife had gone out and I had to change our ever-talking daughter (before she could speak). I wrapped the last pamper available on her but it wouldn’t stay. I picked her up and the disposable diaper went swoosh, right down! I immediately sought counsel. I turned to our two year old son and asked him if he thought we should improve the adhesive qualities of the ‘diaper.’ He agreed and I applied large pieces of masking tape from front to back on her waist. It worked! What a laugh my wife had when she came home!

But, that was nothing compared to wrapping a huge diaper around our third child. By then, I had additional support since I now had two kids counseling me. I then made a huge triangle and pinned it, but the baby slipped out through every side! I applied about five or six safety pins to keep that baby in wraps! Definitely, I was honing my woodworking skills back then without knowing it.

Seeking counsel can be a delight. We all get cornered by a situation where we’re at a loss for immediate escape or answers, and that’s where counsel comes in. Let’s pray:

‘Heavenly Father, look upon those couples or individuals, young at heart, that may be experiencing difficulty with their ‘youngins,’ be it in changing diapers, to seeking counsel for their daily situations. Be with them and enlighten them for the long haul. ‘Wrap’ your arms around them, as they seek your face and as they render their lives to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Proverbs 15:22 reads: Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisors, they succeed (Christian Standard Bible version)

Sneaking In

I’m taking a break here from looking at our past to say that we just celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary! We thank God for His grace and mercy upon us! Just like a large wagon wheel, having Jesus as the hub of our lives, His guidance, love, discipline, humor, patience, like spokes, has kept us together. The Holy Spirit has kept this wheel true in spite of difficulty, stress, responsibilities, and the bumps on the road. Hitch your wagon to Him for an unforgettable ride and blessed marriage.

Lord, before your presence is everyone who reads this blog. May you strengthen each married couple walking and working through this mystery of marriage as you have helped us. Guide those not yet married as they wait upon you and serve in the calling you’ve placed upon their lives. Thank you for establishing our marriage and giving us deep roots for added strength and stability. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!