So, you’ve hugged until someone had to pry you apart. You shed your last tears of joy or sadness, and now it’s time to let go. There’s a time to say, “Now that I’ve held you, let me step back and look at you.”
That’s what God does: He’s looked at us from before creating us and has thought of how much joy we bring Him. We can’t figure out why because we don’t see ourselves as He sees us. If we’re honest with ourselves, we know there’s nothing good in us. Yet, He sees us outside of our sinful nature and as the perfect beings that He originally created us.
Having embraced us at the cross, having bled for us, and having been scourged, He took the nails before refraining from that embrace. In fact, it was His love for us that held Him on the cross. From a human perspective we can blame the Roman soldiers or the religious leaders for His death. But both groups, and neither, was really responsible. They were pawns in Satan’s hands as well as in the Father’s plans. It was pure love that led Him there.
With everything completed, He died in our place. But that was not the end! Thinking on that great and marvelous heavenly reunion where He’ll embrace us anew throughout all eternity, He took back His life, and rose from the grave; never to return there, ever!
So, like me, you may not be a hugger. I’m sure you have your reasons, as I have mine. So, why don’t I like embraces or hugs? At least here, in PR, at our church, when we were new there, back in 2001, when the pastor would tell us to go around and greet others, people went around hugging each other every week. And every week, I was invisible to them. They’d hug the person on one side of me and then go right around me to the next one. They’d say, “Excuse me,” and go to people behind me or in front, but always ignored me. Didn’t even say, “Hello.”
Now, I know, some of you will think, “And that’s at church?!” The answer is “YES!!” But though I didn’t like it, I learned not to bother with it. I accepted the fact that I was not accepted. I’m not a social person anyway, and if people don’t want to hug me, then don’t. I don’t want hypocrisy.
Whether we naturally avoid hugs, or whether there’s a reason there, I’m sure there’s coming a day when all will be different. One thing’s for sure: Jesus’ embrace will be completely different. It’ll be genuine and we’ll feel His strength, His overwhelming love, and the Father’s hands as well! When there for all eternity, the Godhead’s embrace will melt every heart. For now step away! Refrain from embracing! Time to move on and let go!
God Bless,
Recommended video/song: Reason by LaRue